
Here you will find news

Here you will find news around topics related to my job as a “Professional Windows Cleaner” fun facts and useful information.

Cleaning Windows DIY or DIP

Cleaning Windows DIY or DIP

Cleaning Windows? DIY (Do it Yourself) or DIP (Do it Professionally)

There is a critical question everyone must ask before hiring a professional to clean your windows – Can I do this myself? And I want you to consider another very important question – do I want to do this myself?

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Cleaning my Windows in the Rain

Cleaning my Windows in the Rain

Mother nature happens, we can’t control her. I’m asked all the time if I should clean windows during the “rainy season”.
In my business, there is no bad time to have a clear view and clean windows.

If your windows are dirty with grim, pollen, dust, or dirt no amount of rain will help clean it off.

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